According to Greenwald they get corporate jobs and promotions *because* they lie like that. That's the real job.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023Liked by Kevin Durant?

Did Hillary Clinton not say abortion to the "very end of the third trimester”? That sounds like, you know very close to giving natural birth. If the baby has a pointy hair, that hair would be sticking out when Hillary still thinks abortion is OK.

That being said, Republicans in blue and purple states gonna have to find somebody to run who is more moderate on abortion than no, never. At least if they want to be able to win.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Kevin Durant?

If I ever find a magic lamp containing a genie, I will wish that Patrick Weems and Dasha Burns get married and have a child, and that child should grow up to be a raging, far-right, gun-toting, fundamentalist Christian conservative.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Kevin Durant?

New reader here, absolutely love your writing style glad I found you. As a Canadian citizen to see how far we've all fallen is disgusting both our governments are disgraceful lumps of doggy doo-doo. What I can't fathom is how liberals can't see what's before their eyes or are they afraid to admit the name Liberal is synonymous with crybabies, sheeple, do as I say not as I do hypocritical horses asses? I used to be a liberal then I grew up!

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I was listening to a podcast where this Dasha Burns lady was quoted saying that only 1.3% of abortions occur in the 3rd trimester, then the host pointed out that there were over 900,000 abortions last year, so that's like over 12,000 dead babies that were viable. They are psychopaths, but this is also a case for why libertarianism is the most honest political position. In libertarianism, where individual freedom is most paramount, it makes sense that you could literally kill your kid to be free from the responsibilities parenthood comes with. The only wrinkle there is the massive shortage of babies for adoption in the U.S., so much so that infertile couples basically have to adopt foreign babies or be childless. In other words, we're aborting nearly a million pregnancies that could and certainly would be adopted if each woman could just control herself for 3/4 of a year, but that's the price of freedom.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Kevin Durant?

I've needed a Kevin Fix for quite some time. Thanks!

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It's spelled *Dongblast.

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You Got it Babe! You are it! You know it! You are the Balls!

Funny funny funny!

Love ❤️ u

Keep it coming!

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In case anyone besides me cares: the hawk, after shredding the woman's arm, did recapture the snake and flew away. The extra kicker is the woman was on a tractor mowing her lawn when all this happened, so she was _moving_ when the snake+hawk landed on her.

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